Thursday, December 11, 2008


Watching Jae grow up each day, a little taller, a little smarter and well, a little more mischievous makes me feel more alive than any other time in my life. I have my high in my career. But that kind of high always go away after a few days and everything's back to normal. Not this one. Everyday's a new discovery for me and the kid. I wish I can do more for her. Find time to bring her to the museums and exhibits instead of shopping malls and food courts everyday. Have the energy to read her a story before bedtime or something. 

We are planning for a trip to KL and Ipoh on Christmas. It'll be her first trip out of this little island. Everything is planned around her, from the time of departure to the mode of transport, to minimize our little princess' fussiness. 

Let's hope it'll be fun!

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