Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Good Morning!

To have your sweet dreams burst by a pair of little palms that just slapped across your face is one of the most beautiful things in life. And when you open your eyes wondering, an angel face greets you with the sweetest smile that you can never get enough of. Then you think to yourself, "this is more beautiful than any dream you ever hand".

This is the feeling we have everyday ever since Jae learns to crawl up our bed to get us to make her breakfast. It's wonderful! I'm not sure if I'll be saying the same when she's a bit older but right now, I can't think of a reason why we'll ever get tired of seeing her face first thing in the morning.

Sometimes she'll cry a bit to wake us up. Probably because she exhausted all ways to get her two very lazy parents up. But those tears sheared are just to get our attention, because the very moment we put our arms around and carry her up she'll give us what seems like a little victory snigger.

Jae sleeps on a little bed right beside ours. No barrier in-between. And I don't believe in a kid's room as well. You'll never get the kind of joy we are having if you got your kid locked out in her own room. Of course Jae'll get her room when she's older and when we move to a bigger place. But for now, there's no better place than right where she is. And those SID reports about parents sleeping with babies are bollocks!

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